Unify and Extend Ecosystems: Empowering Flexibility

In the realm of media companies, establishing a secure connection between their ecosystem and a reliable Media File Transfer platform hinges on flexibility. With the adaptable Smartjog platform, we empower our customers to select the most suitable option tailored to their specific needs and available resources.
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The Smartjog Global Private Network enables to send and receive content through a dedicated customer edge gateway to ensure high performances and high class of service, either on-premises or in the cloud. Such edge gateway is available as a Hardware server, a Virtual Machine or a Machine Image for cloud deployment.

Hardware server

A physical server is a dedicated piece of hardware that can be installed on-premises, offering high performance and direct control over the infrastructure. By deploying a hardware server, media companies can ensure optimal security and performance, while leveraging their existing IT infrastructure. This option is ideal for businesses with significant resources and a strong preference for on-premises management.

Software server
(virtual machine)

Virtual machines (VMs) provide an alternative to physical servers by allowing multiple, isolated virtual servers to run on a single physical host. This enables media companies to deploy software servers that are easy to manage and scale. By utilizing virtual machines, businesses can optimize their resources, reduce hardware costs, and increase operational efficiency.

This option is well-suited for companies looking to consolidate their infrastructure or seeking flexibility in managing multiple server instances.

Cloud appliances
(machine image)

Cloud-based server deployments are increasingly popular as they offer high scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Cloud appliances are pre-built machine images that can be easily deployed and managed on cloud platforms such as AWS or Microsoft Azure. By opting for cloud appliances, media companies can reduce the need for on-premises hardware, access virtually unlimited resources, and benefit from the security features offered by reputable cloud providers.

This option is ideal for businesses that want to minimize their IT infrastructure management or those that require rapid scaling to accommodate fluctuating demands.

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Smartjog allows media companies to scale their operations quickly and efficiently, matching the pace of growth in large ecosystems.

Upon our customers requirement, we connect all the members of their ecosystems and provide them with training and support to exchange larges files and folders efficiently and securely.

Global Collaboration

The Smartjog advanced media file sharing platform is the ultimate solution for media companies looking to transfer files securely and reliably among distributed teams and global ecosystems.

With accelerated transfer speeds, military-grade security, cloud storage and cross-platform compatibility, our platform enhances the way you exchange media files with your ecosystem around the globe.

IFE Ecosystems Use Case

The Smartjog cutting-edge solution streamlines content deliveries within the IFE ecosystem. It does automate processes, reduce turnaround times, and ensure seamless collaboration among all their members worldwide. By leveraging both Smartjog tools and pro-active traffic monitoring, CSPs and integrators can focus on producing high-quality content for the airlines while enjoying improved efficiency, enhanced security, and cost savings, ultimately positioning themselves as leaders in the competitive media landscape.

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